Friday, October 14, 2016

These are "Chana', "Babbel", "Carole", "Shin", "Cecile", "Queenie", "Haroon" and "Nathalie", Tutoroo's illegal team of tutors at hk-english-teacher,, hk-german-teacher,, singapore-german-teacher, singapore-french-teacher, run by Nicolas Vanhove. Phone 6452 2349. Work with an illegaly business and your name and pic will end up here.

24 people working illegally were arrested by the Immigration these past days. Well done.

When will it be the turn of French business man Nicolas Vanhove of Bigger Stronger, Get the Deal Now and Tutoroo, aiming at helping illegal workers, mostly rejected French people, find dirt cheap tutoring jobs?

More law enforcement in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan needed!